In 2004, the Oly Trail Runners was started by a few trail running enthusiasts who wanted to invite others interested in running on the trails in Olympia area parks. The founders were James Varner and John Pearch who wanted others to enjoy the trails together during the week. John and James were training for ultramarathons and always welcomed all levels of running. The group started to meet at Priest Point Park and LBA Park and several other Olympia area parks and usually gathered following the run at a local brew pub. The group continues these traditions today.
Olytrailrunners is now a Non-Profit Corporation organized exclusively for supporting recreation and preservation of Capital Forest and the greater Olympia area, and the local trail running community, as it relates to amateur sports, charitable, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, 1986, or the corresponding provision of any future federal law. Such purposes include but are not limited to:
(a) Hosting trail running events in Capital Forest and the greater Olympia area,
(b) Supporting other running events in the greater Olympia area,
(c) Constructing and maintaining trails within Capital Forest and the greater Olympia area,
(d) Hosting educational and cultural events related to trail running, and
(e) Promote causes that furthers trail running in the greater Olympia area.