Capitol Forest DNR needs your help!
Our local DNR are continuing to go to bat for us by applying for grants to continue and expand their efforts in Capitol Forest. This is a particularly competitive year for grants, and our letters of support go a very long in way in making the case for our needs in Capitol Forest. Our local DNR staff and leadership have made tremendous headway in improving the recreation experience in Capitol Forest over the last decade, but there is still much work to do improve trail conditions, facilities and recreation user safety.
Please take a few minutes of your time to fill out the RCO grant support email template below and send it to [email protected] by this Wednesday AM January 13. Feel free to add to, modify or start from scratch with the form. It is important that the RCO #’s are included as well as your name and contact information.
Dear RCO Funding Board Members,
My name is ***
I am a member of the Olytrailrunners running club and a recreation user in Capitol Forest.
I support the following grants. Capitol Forest DNR needs these grants in order to effectively manage the many existing, and the many new challenges we face to keep Capitol Forest on the trajectory of a safe and high-quality Washington State outdoor recreation destination.
RCO # 20-2097 Capitol Forest Non-Motorized Trail & Facility Maintenance
RCO # 20-2159 Capitol Education & Enforcement
RCO # 20-2306 Capitol Forest ORV Trail Bridge Replacement
RCO # 20-2011 Capitol & Yacolt Forest & Facilities Maintenance and Operations
RCO # 20-2161 Capitol Forest Motorized Trail & Facility Maintenance
I sincerely thank you for your time and for your consideration,
Every letter really and truly helps. Regardless of title or years of experience in Capitol Forest – the grant hearing board needs to hear from every authentic Capitol Forest recreation enthusiast.